2020 Winter Arts Festival – Fri 12/18/20 @7PM Visit the link to Facebook: https://fb.me/e/1NA4GfISm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC94vEwYLsLJXac3wEJJyavA
Welcome back, Students! You are receiving this email because you may be eligible for Credit Recovery this year. Please read the information below for more details. (I know, it’s a lot, but it is all important!) First, SAVE THIS EMAIL. It has lots of important information you might need later. Plus, if you save it…
How can we help you? Please fill out the form below in order to assess your needs. Loading…
Student Norms: Classes should be accessed from chromebooks ( do not access Google Meet or Zoom from cell phones). Be prepared and positioned for learning in a quiet work space School appropriate dress required Videos must remain on during class time, unless you have made other arrangements with your teacher. Sign in with your full…