Announcing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities Survey! Learn more and participate HERE
Seniors! If you have not done so already, please join the Class 181 Google Classroom, the code is: jeap5po You will find information on Senior Pin Night, Homecoming, Senior Dues, Prom, Senior Photos, etc. Your class sponsor, Ms. Ross ( will send all updates through the classroom, so it is important that you sign up…
Viking Family, I regret to inform you that there was a shooting across the street from Lincoln High School this afternoon as their school was dismissing for the day. A Lincoln High School Student has been listed in critical condition and another man lost his life. Our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by this…
Viking Family, On Thursday, October 14, in partnership with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), we are hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic exclusively for NEHS students and staff which will take place right here on campus and will run from 10 AM to 3 PM. Second doses will be provided here at NEHS on Thursday, November 4, from 10…
Important Message to Students and Parents from Our Nurses: If your student has any of the following symptoms, please keep them at home: Fever, headache, sore throat, cough, congestion, body aches, generalized fatigue, loss of taste/smell, nausea or vomiting. If your child comes to school with any of these symptoms they will need to be…
Our annual Back to School Night will be this week on Thursday, from 5:00-8:00 PM. This will be a virtual event. Please see the document below for Teachers and their Zoom and/or Google Meets links.
School Uniforms – All students are required to wear the NEHS school uniform, which consists of a white button-down shirt and tan/khaki bottoms, both of which must be appropriate for school. Students are required to wear a NEHS tie and a lanyard with their school ID. Students will be provided a school tie, lanyard, and…
Viking Family, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to let you know that the main office will be closed until August 9. If you need assistance, please fill out this form and someone will be in touch within 1-2 business days: Please be safe this summer and we…
Seniors, I know that you may have heard rumors earlier today that our graduation was canceled and/or that we would be having a virtual ceremony. Neither of these scenarios are true at this time. I know how very important it is to each of you and your families to have an in-person ceremony. Please know…
Class 180, please see below for the time of the graduation ceremony. In the event of rain on June 11, we have a scheduled rain date of June 16. NEHS Graduation, June 11 at 10 AM All students will graduate at 10AM.
Viking Family, this is a reminder that in observance of Election Day, there will be no school tomorrow. Please also be reminded that Wednesdays for the remainder of the school year are asynchronous. Best, Principal Crowder
Have concerns? Visit our Family Support website.
1601 Cottman Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19111
call us at215-400-3200
Grades: 9-12
Principal: Omar Crowder