For Families of Seniors – Act 158

Posted on October 11, 2023
Categories: School Announcements

In order to graduate from high school, students must meet all local graduation requirements related to credits and coursework along with the state requirements outlined in Act 158. We are writing to inform you that you are now able to view your child’s graduation status as it pertains to their credits and their Act 158 Graduation Pathway, online, on Infinite Campus.

On Monday, October 11, 2023 all seniors received an email notifying them of their standing regarding Act 158. All students who have not yet satisfied Act 158 received detailed, tailored instructions on the most efficient way to complete Act 158, based on their own unique set of circumstances. Students should locate this email and follow the instructions closely. Counselors are available to support students with any questions they may have regarding Act 158 completion.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your child’s counselor who can direct you to the best person to answer your questions.