
Upcoming Alumni Events:


  • Alumni Day – Friday, May 2, 2025. Assembly at 9:00 AM. Wall of Fame recipients will be honored and Classes 1965, 1975, 1985 and 1995 will be recognized. Luncheon following the Assembly at Tiffany’s on the Boulevard. All alumni pay $15.00.


  • Flea Market on Saturday, May 3, 2025. (Rain date Sunday, May 4, 2025). $25.00 per spot. For more information email:



List of Officers Northeast High School Alumni Association for 2024-2025

Lonnie Goldiner President
Kristina Marchuk 1st Vice President
Eric Lerman 2nd Vice President
Steve Cohen 3rd Vice President
Carol Bombas Recording Secretary
Myron Zonies Treasurer
Howard Rovner Chairman Alumni Foundation


Office Manager: Judy Chant

On a rotating basis, the NEHS Alumni Foundation presents a 4 year full-tution scholarship to one student to the following universities:
  • University of Pennsylvania – Dr. Andrew Morrison Scholarship
  • Temple University – Stanley and Fleurette Lang Scholarship
  • Temple University – Stanley H. Lang Scholarship
  • West Chester University – William Kassimir/Mark Jacob Scholarship

How else does the NEHS Association and it’s Foundation help students?

Approx. $80,000 given in 2021 in graduation awards, Financial assistance for needy students, established Wall of Fame to honor illustrious graduates, a memorial garden to honor graduates who served in the Armed Forces, Annual Alumni Day Program, Annual newsletter to Life Members.    For more infomation call: 215-400-3200 or email