9th Grade Student Advisory Council
Sponsor: Rosalind Williams
Email: rrwilliams@philasd.org
Dates: Tuesday
Time: 7:50 – 8:15 am
Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzNTE3OTE5Njkz?cjc=2x4yeyv
FOR SCHOOL SELECTION APPLICANTS ONLY: We have extended the appeals deadline for applicants with a documented barrier to Tuesday, Dec 17th, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST
Preliminary eligibility statuses are now available: log in and learn more HERE.
Participate in the Facilities Planning Process – Take the Feedback Survey or Attend a Community Conversation.
Sponsor: Rosalind Williams
Email: rrwilliams@philasd.org
Dates: Tuesday
Time: 7:50 – 8:15 am
Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzNTE3OTE5Njkz?cjc=2x4yeyv